Saturday, June 10, 2017

InSaNe SaNiTy--III...a moment...a story...

This is about yesterday...when WE just casually started talking to each other...hmm...kind of opening up...trying to share our fears...our strengths...and our innate perceptions. 

I: so why is he not getting back…?
Me: must be busy…!

I: busy…for past forty-three hours…is it possible…?
Me: maybe he just forgot to reply…told you...must be busy...

I: see…that’s the answer…you said it..."he forgot"…'s not that important…
Me: NoNo…you are just derailing…

I: "derailing"…NOO...actually now I am coming back onto the right track….I was just being plain naive…
Me: listen…hold on…wait…!! 
I: "hold on" … "wait"…wait for what? Wait to be ignored…to be officially rejected … 
Me: listen…this is not how things work…

I: "Things"…there are no such ‘tangible’ things…plus…he is not even obliged to respond to any of my texts…
Me: okay…I get it…you are not completely wrong…but…

I: "BUT"….what?
Me: remember…for the most part…he has replied all your texts…even if with delays…the point is kay you always heard back from him…so please let go of this “43-hour-offline” thing…

I: so you mean kay… I should just ignore this silence and keep knocking on his door…?
Me: yeh…and without any whining…please stop thinking kay it’s done…it’s over…it’s not meant to be…just stop it ! 

I: I don’t get it…!
Me: you totally "get it"…but just don't want to admit…

I: "admit"…admit what? 
Me: to admit kay “you”—the-most-patient-logical-and-mature-person can also have these teeny-tiny-teen problems…is just not comprehending for you… 

Me: YES…because… out of all your life matters…you are simply becoming impatient when it comes to this…PLUS…you never ever have expected it…you never ever have imagined yourself being ‘derailed’…or losing your cool…see that's why its said kay--"never say, never!"

I: so, do you mean  to say kay I am just becoming a crazy-fanatic-illogical-stalker…??? 
Me: NOO…actually you are simply diving into a relationship…a relationship that you wish to last as a lifelong commitment…

I: hmmm…so that’s a positive…??
Me: yah…your intention is positive…actually quite lovey-dovy….it’s just your response…!

I: "response"…? 
Me: hmmm…won’t you agree kay everlasting relationships need to pass the test of time, patience, trust, and reliability…? 

I: true…that’s actually my innate perception… :)
Me: I know…and I know it very well…but the problem is kay you are very new into this treaty…obviously it's little hard to adjust to these new scenarios…

I: that's achievable naa…?
Me: totally…and you are doing your best….it’s just kay…try to get hold of that obnoxiously-crafty mind…'yours truly' ! 

I: "me"…and "crafty"…I can’t believe… :)
Me: my dear, there are going to be infinite ‘newbies’…which you yet need to be discover… :)

I: I wonder… !
Me: hmmm…welcome…Alice in the Wonderland :)

I: it sounds scary… :0
Me: hmmm…??

I: for Alice...her Wonderland was just a dream...which she created…and then gotten engulfed by it…what if…??
Me: just stop pondering…
…there are no IFS and BUTS as long as you tightly keep holding onto His hope-rope
…remember…Allah SWT had revealed to us His ultimate-secret-tip >>… 
* “…if it’s meant to be, it’ll be…”  
…He even reiterated it further by elaborating kay
* …“What is meant for you, will reach you even if it is beneath two mountains; What isn’t meant for you, won’t reach you even if it is between your two lips.”

I: thanks…I knew it…but just had…
Me: it’s okay…that’s why we are called ‘humans’…

I: *smiling*…feeling much relaxed :)
Me: *smiling*…pleased to be of help :)

P.S. Though it was quite an enlightening experience...yet, WE were just talking...:)

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