Saturday, October 8, 2016

It’s Not Solely ‘FEMINIST’…There’s Also ‘MASCULINITY’ Hidden In Breast Cancer!!!

October is attributed as the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And being a blogger I feel an urgent compulsion to raise my voice and show solidarity to this cause. That being said, I won’t go into the nitty-gritty stuff of explaining what is breast cancer…what are its symptoms…its severity identifiers…and treatments? I guess Mr. WebMD does a good job on it…so let’s not reinvent the wheel! 

Here’s the link on all this 'what-stuff'. Read and try to comprehend.  

But here’s something interesting and probably very shocking that I want to dwell upon! And the credit for my this-newly-gained-knowledge goes to…hold your breath…a Korean Drama—Jealousy Incarnate (currently airing). What? That was my first reaction…just one word…WHAT…never heard it before…so, need to dig more into it. And I did! 

Really sorry for any spoilers…but like few other K-Dramas, this one also highlights a very specific medical issue—breast cancer…but in men. Is it possible? My Google-Gurur says, YES, very much! 

Here’s the link to a very simple explanation by WebMD explaining breast cancer in men.   

But ironically, men being men, they don’t want to discuss it. Here comes the right spot to quote an anonymous feminist who just said that weirdly it’s comforting to know that at least there’s something that can make their wildness go wild! Emotions aside…but seriously it’s a serious issue that demands a very vocal and robust action. Unlike women, breast cancer in men can stay unnoticed and they don't consider seeing-the-doctor option “until they have more severe symptoms, like bleeding from the nipple. At that point the cancer may have already spread.” 

Recently on Instagram, I have started ‘liking’ a great initiative by a retail clothing brand—Generation (my favorite ;), based in Pakistan, for their awareness campaign targeted towards their female coworkers and other in-their-circle women. This is a really great step and must say, one of its kind for an awareness campaign. I guess it’s quite true that when fashion meets a cause…miracles could happen! I hope in coming times this spirit only galvanizes! 

Having said that, why can't we have similar campaigns for men also? Or, why don't we just incorporate them into this wrongly-labeled-as a ‘feminist’ disease! 

The point is, just #spreadtheword! It’s okay…if it’s through a drama, a fashion show, or simply on Instagram...just do it… and make the rest history!   
Bottomline, just because of our ignorance…someone can actually die! Is there a more severe situation to make us mobilize our resources and device a robust action plan? I guess, NO! So, let’s put our heads together…rollup our sleeves…and start educating ourselves with the motto: “Learn To Live”. Period. 

P.S. I preferred posting WebMD links because of their simple and apt explanations. If you want to dig more into it (which actually is recommended) look into cancer.orgSpecifically, 

FYI Click on the link for the 1st episode of Jealousy Incarnate. Learn and enjoy :) 

So, until next time,
Let's galvanize our efforts! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

13 times when a desi 'WHAT' means 'NOO WAYY!'

Whenever a newbie tries to invade a foreign land, they ought to have some surprises, cultural shocks, or the least struck by their very own wanderlust. 

But we desis are special! Yup…and there is no harm in bragging about our innate sense of pride. Hence, when a desi gets a 360-degree shock…all they can say is “WHAT"...which actually should be heard as "NOO WAYY!" 

Let’s have a closer look at some of these instances…!

  1. I have to talk in English all-the-time…?
    english ki tu...aisi ki taisi...
  2. I have to babysit while she’s away…?
    a job 'only' suited for my enemies... 
  3. It’s snowing and I still have to go to work…? 
    can't they just call an "off" today...
  4. Even he (a self-proclaimed Richie Rich) works here…? 
    the Richie-Richs...hmmm...
  5. No maids...? Have to clean my own sh*t…? 
    'she' was actually good...
  6. rare…? 
    should invest in this business...paka dowry ga...
  7. It’s weekend and still no Halwa Purri…?
    should have packed some...
  8. So, this is Black Friday…?
    and they call us an 'uncivilized' nation...
  9. She eats watermelon even in October…?
    what fun could it be...
  10. Ghar ki bani gol rotti; just forget it…?
    so, he finally gave up...and they lived happily ever-after...
  11. Can’t have KFC…?
    does it make sense...
  12. No-Shirts-Day…No-Pants-Day…?
    though perfect for 'people-watching'...
  13. Gay…herard it…but really they kissed…and in the train…?
    isn't it just supposed to be in the movies...

    Of course, these are not just 'IT'...when we say 'shocks' then we are actually talking about a gazillion figure.  

    So, until next time,
    Go find yours! 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jack Ma Advices a Life Plan

 Wandering how to plan your life? Let’s learn it from one the biggest e-commerce magnates, Jack Ma, whom Forbes entitles as the “King of Chinese E-Commerce”. Jack Ma—the founder of China’s largest internet company and online shopping websites, which easily do more business than Amazon. Plus, like Google, if you need anything, just search it on one of his Alibaba portal websites, and bingo! 

Jack Ma, a person who led his rejected start-up vision from a small apartment to pen historic Initial Public Offering at New York Stock Exchange (largest in US history), sure knows a thing or two about leading our lives. So, let’s hear it in Jack Ma’s simple words!

20s: LEARN 
  • Just be a good student. 
  • Strive to learn to your max. 

30s: GEAR UP
  • Seek and follow a good boss or mentor. 
  • Start a small start-up. 
  • Learn to do a lot of things in short span of time. 

40s: WORK
  • Work for ‘yourself’. 
  • Polish, cherish, and if necessary, redefine your vision. 

  • Only do your expertise. 
  • Don’t try to change the game plan. 

60s: LEAD
  • Focus on young people. 
  • Work should be to guide, coach, train, and lead the new ‘brains’.
  • Believe in the fact that, young generation knows more and can do better.  

60s++: ‘THYSELF’
  • Spend time for and with yourself.  

I just love how simple and apt is his vision. It’s true that life is meant to be formulated against the schema of minimalism. I hope we also can implement some, if not all, important chunks from his advice.   

Until next time, 
Live. Simple.